I’m a mommy now 💖
Reppin Shinji Hirako from Bleach! 🤙 [F30]
The arrancar ladies!! ✨ Favorite & why?! *collages by yours truly*
The arrancar ladies!! ✨
Another Konan collage because she’s my favorite Naruto waifu!! 💜
Ask Anything Thread
Yoruichi teasing ichigo is always a pleasure 😻🫶🍓
Shinji Hirako & Kisuke Urahara 🙃💚
Konan of the Akatsuki 💜✨🪽
Happy Birthday to Yoruichi & belated to Kisuke!! 🎊 Are they your favorite Bleach ship?? ✨✨
Happy Birthday to Yoruichi & belated to Kisuke!! 🎊
Yoruichi Shihoin TYBW style 😻⚡️🍑
Happy Birthday Yoruichi 😻
Yoruichi Shihoin! 😻⚡️