If you litter in this city you are trash
Gotham central
Organized Clean Up Efforts?
Free Knock2 Ticket!
LCS Boston
New To Boston
I’m sorry in advance for a *probably* stupid question.
Is Thor by Jason Aaron bad?
I'm loving the art direction in exodus so far. Almost every scene looks like a painting. The graphics are preem, while still preserving the old metro aesthetics
Help me decide
Are you cooked or Nah?
What's the most you'll pay for an OOP omni?
Where should I be Buying Omnibus’ from?
Is Gorgon worth it?
Bioshock 2 Review
What does my Top 5 says about me?
Mail call! Batman Knightfall
Got gambit had to do this deck
Arkham Knight figures from F5
What location from Bioshock would you have wanted to see again in Bioshock 2
In just over a month, this film turns 10 years old. Many say it's the weakest avengers film, but what's one thing that you think it did great or better than the others? And what's one thing you would change in the movie?
I lowkey don't know which card to pin?? These are the ones I am missing. Ignore Modok, Silk and Mobius since I will get them tomorrow with series drop. Maybe I should pin Doom or Cassandra?
Should I give 2 a chance?
[Discussion] what does everyone think of Shadow of War?