Do you guys they should add Quicksilver? How would they handle a speedster?
After watching Rec series, Quarantine, 28 days/weeks later i like these more than zombies but why are these more terrifying than actual zombie movies? I hope 28yrs is terrifying
James gunn said he would like a DC game like rivals. How do you guys feel about a DC rivals game? I imagine Batman would be like Moon knight throwing batrings or like ironfist martial arts skills
In your opinion should we get a tank that could fly do deal with flying characters and a healer that could fly?
In your opinion do we need more Tanks?
What characters do you think should have been a tank? I think Wolverine and Ironfist should've been a tank. I remember before they nerf Ironfist my team needed a tank and we had Ironfist so my teammate requested a tank and Ironfist player said 'Im your tank'
If they add Silver Surfer what role should he be?
In your opinion whos the best and worst diver?
In your opinion who's better. Storm, ironman, Torch, Starlord.
In your opinion whos the best character for attacking the back? I say MAGICK
How do you guys feel about the healers getting more kills and less healing is that bad or a good thing? I've realized when a healer helps kill we capture the objective faster
Why do so many tank players complain about not being heal? Do tank players forget that the backline gets attacked?
Which of these two frustrates you the most. 1: Wolverine players don't know how to play as Wolverine or 2: Your healers have more kills than the tanks.
Why do players tell you to change characters but they don't change characters? Lol
In your opinion whos the top 5 BORING and Useless characters
Do you think all characters should have the same amount of mobility? I don't understand why Adam and Magento are the slowest characters
Why do players hate Warlock ULT but be happy when Warlock use his ULT and win the match and they shut up at the end? Lol
In your opinion which healer has the best ULT? I know yall will say Luna but i disagree i think Adam has the best healer ULT if you hide and use it and heal them you could come in clutch and win. I know because im a Adam main. The other team was about to win they heard BORN AGAIN and we won.
In your opinion who is the most hated character in Rivals
In your opinion which characters are top 5
They say Thor and Cap is hard to kill but do you think Black Panther is harder to kill? I think he's probably the hardest to kill due to his fast mobility. What do yall think?
What is the number 1 thing that frustrates you the most that players do?
In your opinion whos better Squirrel girl or Moon knight?
In your opinion who's a better DPS. Squirrel Girl or Hawkeye? I've came across great MVP Hawkeyes
If they add Kraven the hunter do you think he should be dps and be like Moon knight hiding and throwing knives or be like Namor throwing his spear?