Do you ever have dreams that get really weird?
How long do withdrawal symptoms usually last?
Well played here.
Have you had to discontinue toxic relationships with family or relatives that needed to be cut off?
What are your favorite restaurant chains?
My gf fucking around with her mask
Saw this on Facebook, thoughts?
Anyone else have to read this in school?
What areas have the biggest mix of NHL fans?
I lost my virginity at age 24.
Which character was the better South Park Dad?
Who is the best, worst, most improved and most washed player in the last 10 years?
Can you experience pain psychologically?
What teams in the wild card hunt will most likely make the playoffs?
Smoking weed less often.
Would you agree with the half your age plus seven years rule?
Did quitting smoking make any difference for you?
What amount of days would be the ideal tolerance break for a long time user?
What are some examples of the best, worst, underrated and overrated episodes?
Well I'm already in hell anyways.
This will be me when I'm 30 this Summer.
Which generation would you say is the most homophobic?
What are your favorite grocery stores?
Almost all of my money this month went to Alcohol...