Sakura wants Sasuke by her side and to save him so things can go back to the way were before which was her having a crush on him
This would’ve been the perfect moment for Sakura to learn some sealing techniques in case Yamato isn’t there.
What is Naruto even talking about he explicitly said he wasn’t doing this for the promise he made to Sakura but because he wants to personally save Sasuke.
Mei was done dirty. Compared to the other Kage we barely get any background or motivation for her.
Day 3: What do you think of “Pokémon Johto” and “OK!”?
Adult Sakura glazers are worst than Itachi, Minato, and Madara glazers COMBINED
One thing is for sure, Kishimoto knows how to create beautiful female characters.
The 5 Kage Summit Arc really was the low point for all of Team 7. But only Naruto and Sasuke grew from it.
IMO SasuSaku doesn’t work as a pairing.
Adult Sakura is overrated asf
Who's your favourite Bambi
This was the most controversial scene in the anime/manga. Some hate it, some love it. What do you think of this Sakura scene? 🤔
How'd you guys change or fix SasuSaku and NaruHina?
editor: "one team isn't enough, we need variety." kishimoto: "say no more."
I don't know who needs to hear this, but:
One of the saddest deaths
Sakura was written poorly though.
Fodderizes Sakura
Dumb question but do you think he's a good father and a good guardian for Naruto and a good hokage
Sakura is the best medical ninja
What's the point in giving more than one element mastered by a person if they don't use one?
If Goblin party had a 6th party member what he/she would be ?
All these years later what are your thoughts on these scenes
This is a “kage level character”…
Do you think Tsunade gave Sakura the same advice Jiraiya tried to give Naruto after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc?