Yo night shift, you okay?
Bro the counterflip is fucking wild dude
The spiders are clear, not black
Best friend just moved away, gonna join the 700 club.
Non stop boners since quitting DXM
Hi guys, I was extremely drunk yesterday, I’m feeling pretty good today and have no desire to take more DPH, 800 800 was like my final hoorah, crazy ass mental state, I can finally piss again but my organs hurt
Did not to mean image DPH messages. Just got blackout drunk, I’m safe
some of you Mfs be like:
Benadryl deepens my voice
Very drunk rn and suicidal, 1,500mg tonight maybe? Feeling very curious to see how much I can push this needle
What’s ur craziest counterflip? On 700/800 rn
Boutta drop 700mg in this cold garage, very dark besides some light above the garage door, curious to see how the trip will take hold
I’m so thankful to be alive
700 club new member
Don’t ever buy no off brand delysm from the Walgreens bro
Has anyone tried ketamine for dp/dr?
Even if you want to die this is the worst way possible
I only get bitches when im on dxm 😭
This drug is the devil
How much have ya'll done in the last year?
Anyone who’s getting worse and worse after a breakup?
Did I reach eirel?
Damn I’ve fallen