Guys , what are the best way to get into marvel comics ?
Finally got myself a copy of one of my most wanted!
[Canada, ON] [H] PayPal [W] Silver Surfer Omni by Slott
Is someone willing to do a vod review on me
Daredevil Companion Omnibus by Frank Miller?
Finally hit GM
Silver Surfer by Slott
I had skipped the big head Buddha boss from start of ch 1 now when u revisited that area that boss was not there is that a glitch or I missed it
Just finished my first run - thoughts and shots
The Pyramids were built to harvest immense power.
After 3 million tries I finally got it
Contrarian view: TGMC Was not that hard
Patience helping me crush the master challenge
This dang rubber ducky
Spotted on Drew’s story. We’ve come full circle.
Yet another coincidence between ancient Egypt and Peru
Did Ancient Egypt provide knowledges to other parts of the world?
Yes.. chase the little demon
Just came back to Wildrift and boy is the game more frustrating than ever
Tryndamere R Input bug/delay
New to WR, quick question.
Thanks turret
Camping/Hiking Around London
Opinion on those 2 new runes? Who would be good with it?
Love being penalized for the game’s own garbage servers and broken patches