Would anyone be interested in carrying out a transformation board game rp. There is a custom board that can be freely altered as needed with more specific spaces on request. Room for many players and many chaotic transformations.
Turned 18 and my dad handed me a cigar.
Name one cartoon that like this
Who's the anime character that NO ONE hates?
Hottest of Cybertron day 10: Shockwave
Look at the shit the hospital I was born posted:
This Newborn has homophobia
My friends newborn has different coloured eyes (mom has brown and dad has blue)
Bro wtf
Examples where even if the series was meant for older audiences you’re surprised they got away with this
A Ukrainian soldier and his cat stand on the frontline, ready to fight until the very end.
10/10 scene
Favorite character with wasted potential by the authors?
George's reason for his evil arc:
They’re back at this again
[NSFW] Guys please protect yourself when you have s*x.
Autobot's night out (@nowherelad)
What favorite character has you in this situation
New Peppa Pig family member leaked:
Now that we know there's gonna be a new member in the Peppa Pig family, I'm scared there going to change the intro song. AND I DON'T WHAN THEM TO CHANGE THE INTRO SONG
Angry birds Transformers went hard back then.
Guys give me your honest opinion. Do you think they stand a chance
Transformers Prime if Agent Fowler call backup before the series starts
Destroy what's below and what's above will follow, Sow panic and surrender will bloom, next, who's The Best version of Devastator/ The Constructicons
"We were brithers once!"
Muslim gets mad at Ex Muslim for eating Bacon