This man is really so talented
It should be legally considered a crime against humanity for anyone under the age of 15 to access the internet outside of school
I dislike the way some people stereotype Rafayel (Rant).
They really think we’ll leave like that?
caleb whattt😭
Theres so much stuff I could say about this manwha but ofc I'm gonna get attacked
Sad to see honestly
I know we moved on but...
Help me out with this
My thoughts everytime
Husband said why can’t I let him be a man
This cake my grandma served me today
Idk why people are getting business advice from someone who declared bankruptcy 4 times
I found this Twitter thread about Caleb's offline messages and I thought I'd share it.
Racist AI generated video
IvTi/HyLu kiss wasn't SA
Why do the digital artists I see only use Apple?
I think AI has killed most digital painters art including mine. Portrait painting
Thanks, Grok
Who would love you in a reverse situation.
Girlfriend wants to save these "leftovers" for the next day. Am I crazy or is she?
Scarlett Johansson reveals why she does not take photos with fans: 'It really offends a lot of people'
Our new bistro is opening this next Tuesday. We finally nailed down our menu. Here’s to the upcoming suck, y’all.
Staff denied her boarding onto a flight cause she was intoxicated...and then she does this
Donate/Dispose of Racist Art?