The fact that the Kindle bundle doesn’t include Assassin’s Blade is infuriating
Pather refund just hit!!!
Federal refund hit last night!
Horrible Reflux!
Parents, as a NICU nurse I want to know your thoughts.
After 160 Days…
Is a great dane right for me ?
The guilt of delivering a premie baby
Why does my dog like to put her paw on me?
brown spit up?
To All The Parents Whose Emotions and Feelings Aren't Being Validated:
For those with babies home on oxygen…
Hitting my breaking point with feeder grower frustrations
Nurse from He(ll)
Feeding question (and frustration/vent)
Bottle soap!
What does my fridge say about me?
Due Date Size?
Baby monitoring device
People with LARGE labia folds, do you really only use water to rinse the area?
33 weeker behind on gross motor skills at 9.5 months actual?
How often do you visit?
Feeling rage at being in the NICU
Nurse smells like cigarettes