Hello, followers of the Power agenda, this is your leader speaking, regarding the agenda and my health.
Who in the OMORI main cast represents you the most?
Favorite character who has ice powers?
Who the hell is this (wrong answers)
Which division's insignia is your favorite?
craziest thing you’ve seen online?
How will she survive
Who would win in TYBW if quincies had no Vollständig vs shinigami if they had no bankai?
How many Braincells does he have?
Is it me or he is using same exact knife?
hero collection without the lower half (empty cause i got rid of a chair so that i can make room to add...even more hero merch!!!!)
Whats your least favorite ultrakill level?
If you had save point ability like Frisk how would you use it?
It does happens to anyone else?
Korean police in squid game after seeing that 456 people disappear once in year, one person comes back and gets billions of cash out of nowhere and still not believing something is going on
What guns are these?
What’s happening in this gif? Wrong answers only
What do you think happened to people who didnt came back after vote in season 1?
Which schrift would you like to have IRL?
Favorite character who came back from the dead?
What is the most iconic gun in terminator series?
In your opinion, what is the most badass weapon in Fallout New Vegas? I think it's the blade of the west
What is this kid talking about in my channel?
What anime had you like this?