Where can I find some bomb ass tamales?
Perhaps a stupid question, but isn't this pose associated with Jupiter? So why was Constantine, a Christian fine with depicting himself as the head of the Pagan pantheon?
when a new raider in my horde guild calls for "heroism"
It really did work too well
A year after Navalny’s death, his widow urges ongoing fight for a ‘free’ Russia
i have 9 sparks of omens what should I do with them if i am ilvl 616
if { if { if { switch { switch { switch { switch { (7 years at Blizzard btw)
surely this belongs here
A little louder
It works, dont touch it
How bad could the apps be?
Is it just me or is this getting worse?
How important is the name of your game in terms of generating interest?
Which one looks/feels better as a damage indicator?
Healing parse is pointless
"Overwhelmingly Positive" Steam games you couldn't get into.
I'm stuck, im following a tutorial online and i have everything the exact same as he does but it's giving me this error. I've looked online but i can't make sense of any of it. Sorry if this is the wrong sub for this.
Can someone help me with this ?
Are most office jobs complete BS?
I'm following this YT tutorial to create a maze but something isn't right. In the tutorial, MazeGenerator shows up in the Hierarchy but in mine it doesn't. I've attached my code & screenshot of my Unity as well as a screenshot of the tutorial.
GameObject.Find vs manually assigning through inspector
Hot Take: Default UI looks better than 90% of your multi-addon setups
I want to gift my boyfriend a new PC but don't know where to start
I want help in creating a font
User: "Can I just get admin rights so I can install the programs I want without having to go through IT?"
Video games are ruining my brothers life