Which Object Show ships that fit either one of these relationship dynamics?
Favorite ships that fit either one of these relationship dynamics?
What’s your least favourite time where the show had to go back to it’s status quo? {No matter how forced or the fact that it didn’t need to be back is}
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of Steven Universe Future?
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of Heartcatch precure?
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of Sonic Prime?
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of Sonic Boom?
What’s your favourite and least favourite episode of Sonic X?
Name one cartoon that like this
Say something nice about the Mutant Mayhem/Tales Turtles
What’s your favourite and least favourite chapters from each Danganronpa games?
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about Ave Musica?
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about MyGo!?
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about Raise A Sullen?
What’s 1 thing you love and hate about Morfonica?
What’s a object show scene that made everyone really excited/burst out in happiness but not you?
Favorite childhood friends?
Favorite duo who are also twins?
Favorite ship that’s between a hero and a villain/anti-villain/redeemed villain?
Favorite character who is a photographer?
Favorite character who has an unexplained fear?
Favorite character who is sweet but can be really scary sometimes?
Post your head-cannon for the character from the Trolls franchise and I will stamp it on the board!
Post your head-cannon or hot take as a pic and I will stamp it on the board!
What was your reaction to this scene from Episode 11 of Inanimate Insanity 2?
What was your reaction to this scene from episode 15 of Paper Puppets Take 2?
Do you guys think the stories in Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles actually happen?