Really struggling with needing to end a 9+ year relationship.
What would you say is the most popular dog breed among men?
TIFU By underestimating how body fat plays into staying warm.
Onions go well with everything savoury
AITA - I rejected my BIL's child being a flower girl
John Wick Hot Take
Which was it?
Was Elon Musk always been heavily disliked before he bought Twitter in 2022?
I’m just generally and genuinely unintelligent and it’s making my life hard.
as he should
No way
I have come to a realisation that I am a good person but not a nice person.
‘What Do I Do With This Grief?’: A fascinating interview with the woman who owns Laura Palmer’s house from TWIN PEAKS, whose home has become a pilgrimage spot for David Lynch obsessives.
The moon is Perfect
I (24M) am thinking about splitting with my longterm partner (25M) of 7 years, am I making a mistake?