I hate how those “is okay to leave my broke cheating wife in poverty” stories
I'm loving arena, but...
Leona damage with Darksteel and Reverberation.
On which map do you farm possibility?
Is trueshot prodigy damage in Arena bugged and deals less damage than it says it does?
She turned her location off so she was asking for it
AITA for leaving my girlfriend after she got date-raped
TRANS MEN ARE MEN - And unequivocally welcome here in GuyCry.
Many women who cheat aren’t actually looking to leave their relationships. In fact, they’re cheating in order to stay, seeking an affair that fulfills some unmet need in the relationship
So many tits! Who is your type?
Has anyone ever gotten Someone's roulette together with Ultimate roulette?
Which ones aligns more closely with Feminism? Unisex public bathrooms or the usual split public bathrooms?
Thoughts on just using the word sexism instead of misogyny/misandry?
For those who are already in a relationship: Do you know Westermarck Effect? How did you overcome it?
Hot take: Guest of Honor is an awful mechanic
Nashor's Tooth No Longer Scales With AD
Are there any mods for multi classes as a single class? Is that possible?
OP in UK, hates trump.
WOTC were right; we shouldn’t have both Sorcerer and Wizard as they’re currently implemented
Body Type A/B vs Male/Female. Which do you prefer?
Can Incestuous Relationships be Monogamous?
What is a term for seeking equality between sexes but advocating for both women and men?
Anybody know off the top of their head any uses for this? Or is this 100% a trap?
My first impressions of Solasta 2
I did "bad things" with my mom 10 years ago or so, and I don't feel bad about it
tired of feeling and being treated like a freak for expressing anything other than disgust about incest