Just came back to Wildrift and boy is the game more frustrating than ever
I peaked GM in season 9 and season 10 as a Kayle support main and only coming back now cause of Kayle ult mini rework.
And holy shit is this game more frustrating than it use to be. Like 80% winrate Kalista players not even using their ultimate once in the game? Check. Junglers ignoring objectives and purposely running away from them when you ping the objective? Check. Me ulting a teammate as Kayle support only for the guy to run away the moment I ult even though he's at half hp? Check.
It has gotten so bad that I can actually predict 90% of the time if we will win by the time the 1st objective spawn. SEA server by the way.
I seriously don't remember it being this bad the last I played. What the hell happened?