is my brother braindead???

tonight me and my brother were talking about how I possibly accidentally ingested mouldy bread and he starts saying that because i cooked it it might have died, like a bacteria. then i said ‘no, it’s a fungus so it doesn’t really work like that’ and then he says ‘well still they’re basically the same thing’ NO???? then I say ‘they literally aren’t, mould is a fungus which means it travels and grows in spores’ which is common knowledge if you went to a school which taught any form of cooking or food technology, which he did. and then he just REVERTS to when i picked out the bread and says ‘well maybe you should have stopped being on your phone and looked at the bread you chose’ WHO USES THEIR PHONE WHILE COOKING WITH A HOT PAN BRO 😭😭 HIS HYPOCRITICAL ASS DOES😭😭 anyway later he texted my mum about the argument and LITERALLY TWISTED MY WORDS and blamed the WHOLE argument on me (ingesting mould was my bad i admit) but like ARE YOU THAT SCARED OF LOSING THE MOST POINTLESS ARGUMENT THAT YOU STARTED??? THIS GUY IS 21 YEARS OLD BY THE WAY. TWENTY-ONE. this guy acts like he didn’t graduate the school i’m about halfway to graduating. he wasn’t even one of those rebellious kids who doesn’t do shit he’s just stupid