Confirm need for step-up?

Exclusively surfing a 6'1" (22.5" 2.9") fish in all conditions currently. It's my only board and I usually make it out 2-3 times a week.

I'm 5'11" and ~175lbs but wear a 6/5 wetsuit and 7mm gloves and boots due to bitter cold conditions which why the floaty fish.

The problem is in overhead+ control is terrible - I can make some drops but I'm going ridiculously fast. Also the paddle out could probably be less painful if I was able to consistently duck dive something with slightly less float.

Paddle out is common to take ~20 minutes in overhead+ conditions. (and longer when x2 overhead after relentless paddling)

Can anyone with more experience confirm that a step-up would be a good fit?

Considering a 6’6” (20.25" 2.7").