Snowboard PSA
Hi skier friends. Contemplated posting this after a few early season close calls, but held off. Last weekend I got absolutely smoked by a teenager, who fled before I got back up or could even give a thumbs up.
If you are on a snowboarder’s heelside (pictured) WE CANNOT SEE YOU. I do not wear headphones and can usually hear the schrik schrik of carves, but if you’re pinning it down the hill on my (skier’s) left: you are an invisible missile.
Most snowboarders know this and have developed good situational awareness, check their blind spots, but we really appreciate when you clank poles together or say “on your left.” I’ll do this on a board or on a bike, whenever I pass someone.
As a result of someone slamming into me from behind while I was heelside I have a concussion, my first. They’re no fun (actually rather scary), so please wear helmets. I cannot imagine how much worse my situation would have been were I not wearing one.
And if you’re teaching your kids how to ski, kindly teach them the alpine responsibility code in addition to technique. Frankly, I’m not ever that mad about being in a crash. It’s an extreme sport, I signed the waiver, accidents happen; I’m understanding of that. I’m mad that this kid bounced before checking if I was okay.
Thanks for reading, have a good rest of your season.
Hi skier friends. Contemplated posting this after a few early season close calls, but held off. Last weekend I got absolutely smoked by a teenager, who fled before I got back up or could even give a thumbs up.
If you are on a snowboarder’s heelside (pictured) WE CANNOT SEE YOU. I do not wear headphones and can usually hear the schrik schrik of carves, but if you’re pinning it down the hill on my (skier’s) left: you are an invisible missile.
Most snowboarders know this and have developed good situational awareness, check their blind spots, but we really appreciate when you clank poles together or say “on your left.” I’ll do this on a board or on a bike, whenever I pass someone.
As a result of someone slamming into me from behind while I was heelside I have a concussion, my first. They’re no fun (actually rather scary), so please wear helmets. I cannot imagine how much worse my situation would have been were I not wearing one.
And if you’re teaching your kids how to ski, kindly teach them the alpine responsibility code in addition to technique. Frankly, I’m not ever that mad about being in a crash. It’s an extreme sport, I signed the waiver, accidents happen; I’m understanding of that. I’m mad that this kid bounced before checking if I was okay.
Thanks for reading, have a good rest of your season.