Stove options other than propane/butane

It seems like the most common, easiest option for a stove for cooking is some form of propane or butane stove.

In the realm of camp stoves, there are also plenty of options that burn "white gas" / gasoline.

For long term / "doomsday" prep, the obvious option is a wood stove like from the 19th century, or possibly some form of rocket stove that can burn small twigs.

What I would like to ask:

  1. Are there any decent not-micro-compact stoves that will burn both propane and either gasoline or diesel/kerosene?

  2. Are there good options for stoves that will burn gasoline, diesel, or kerosene more generally and aren't highly compact camping or backpacking stoves?

  3. Will gasoline that is too old to run internal combustion engines reliably work in stoves?