Perth online dating is the worst, thinking about leaving

I’m at the point of leaving Perth because the OLD dating scene is so bad.

I’ve lived in the eastern states and a few years overseas. I haven’t come across a dating scene this bad.

When I first came back it was pretty good, I guess fresh online profile helped, met a girl I saw for 6 months which fizzled.. since then it’s such a struggle.

As a 39 M I realise the pool is much smaller. However, I went over to Brisbane late last year and I must have got 10 likes a day, and these were very attractive women and extremely complimentary, like I was 10/10 (I don’t think that though). It was the same in Sydney.

I have the same profile pics here and I’m getting absolutely nothing. It just seems to be the same profiles and I’m sure they feel the same about me.

What am I missing? I’m loathed to change my pics because I have validation from many other places they’re really good and frankly I don’t have many others because they were all taken by my ex lol single life doesn’t seem to lend itself to many photos of yourself. I’ve never been big on social media either.

I’m thinking of deleting the apps altogether, maybe this will subconsciously prompt me to try harder in RL. Vent over