tired of feeling and being treated like a freak for expressing anything other than disgust about incest
For the record, Im an enthusiastic supporter of incest for many reasons, even if I never did anything romantic or sexual (with consent) with any of my relatives
My enthusiasm is the only thing I'm dishonest about. Generally I just say that I dont care, so long as it's adults loving adults, who cares? But I guess even that is too far for people?
And many times, people also feel the need to tell me about their traumatic experiences of sexual violence done to them by their family members. It's horrible, I understand and I regret awakening painful memories, but why do people do this? To change my mind? To make me feel bad? To say that because they were a victim of SA, that means that incestuous relationships with no abuse or violence are bad too, because...? Call me self centered, cold, egocentric but I'm honestly tired of people doing this with me
That or just moral or ethical preaching that I didn't ask for or need
Like... I support incest. And when I say I do, I want people to not add anything onto that. Not make any assumptions, like how I support abuse or rape. I don't. I wholeheartedly, absolutely don't and it's insulting to assume that right out the gate.
Obvs incestuous relationships can have the same issues as any other type of relationship, but when they do, they're treated more harshly than non-incestuous relationships, I feel
I'm just tired of feeling like it's me vs everybody on something like this? I think about this a lot and the more I do, the more certain, steadfast and assertive I become
I'm transgender and I also get judged as a transgender person instead of just like, a person. If another trans woman does something evil, then many people will form a bias that trans people really are just like that. It's a bias way, way too many people choose to remain ignorant about, but it's part of what's got me caring about incestphobia
Sorry if this is a very rambly post, I just feel like such an outsider with so many people, even if I sincerely don't believe that I'm wrong about this