Does an EMT have any responsibility with EMTALA paperwork?
I came back to the industry after a couple year hiatus. I won’t claim to be salty veteran, but I worked a year in a heavy transfer based company and probably did nearly 2000 transfers and never had this issue.
I just teched my first transfer for a new company where I primarily run 911. Being rusty I specifically made sure I had everything I need. Which is essentially the transfer packet, face sheet, and PCS. I had a physician very passive aggressively and quite accusatorially say “you didn’t include an EMTALA form.” I’ve never even heard of this form until just now. I told him this was my first transfer in like 3 years, and he said “It’s been a requirement for over a decade” in a tone that essentially was calling me stupid. Like I said I’ve worked for a major company that didn’t even think this form was important enough to ever even mention, so I don’t think it has anything to do with me. I just deliver the packet. In which case, does this guy think I work for the sending hospital or something?