My GF called me a misogynist

As the title says my (m17) girlfriend (f17) just called me misogynistic and I dont really know how to think about it. We were talking in the phone and somehow got to the topic of our future life together and about how many kids each of us would like to have. I think about having two kids later in life, however she only wants one. Because I would really love to have two kids, I listed her some things in which my own siblings helped me a lot and how good it would be for the kids to have a sibling. Then she said that my view is misogynistic as I wouldn‘t leave her room to chiose freely

Sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes, English isn‘t my first language

Edit: My sisters were there for me while I was bullied a lot, and were my only real „friends“ i had during that time, thats what i meant when I said they helped me a lot es