Is anyone here a computer science major?
Hey everyone! Im a 3rd year college student studying computer science. Im aspiring to be a web developer or tbh anything that gives me a job jaja. Im 20 years old and I’ve stuttered since i was a child (still am on the inside jaja) recently i was diagnosed with severe stutter which i always kinda knew it was severe but i didn’t want to accept it. But i just started going to a speech therapist again and she diagnosed me with a severe stutter and once i read that my heart dropped to the ground but i guess i expected it. Anyways i consider myself to be a pretty anxious person and that usually tends to flare up my stuttering A LOT like to the point where its exhausting to talk and it hurts and now that im in my third year of college mi anxiety has skyrocketed to the point where ive questioned if i really want to do CS because tbh i feel like i haven’t really retained what I’ve learned in these past two years and its all getting to me now and I’ve searched online for “jobs for severe stutterers” but i really dont see myself doing anything else. So the reason im posting this is to see if anyone here is in the same field as me and could help me by mentoring or just recommend me some useful stuff for learning. Feel free to DM me if u want! I would really appreciate any help!