Having my first-born and STRONGLY considering naming her "Scoundrel"

What do we think, Reddit? Do we not just love the way it crunches off the tongue, its uniquicity, and its vibes of joyful ferocity? Doesn't it just remind you of all the best villains in literature? Scoundrels and rogues, all of them.

Now I will say, "Rogue" was actually my first choice, and who knows, I might just be persuaded to use it. But I actually made the grave mistake of looking up the dictionary definition (Tip to all baby mommas and daddas out there: Don't. If a name sings to your heart, JUST GO WITH IT. Dicshunaryies are for LOSERS) ANYWAY, I realised a meaning of "Rogue" is a "psychopathic elephant".

An elephant so violent and destructive that it is shunned by the herd and leads a lonely destructive life by itself.

Now as I said, this meaning isn't by itself repelling me, but as my granddam pointed out, after all I do have to think of how this will look on resumes, one day my precious will looking for jobs, sad to think, and maybe calling her by a violent exiled elephant will turn off future employers.

I'm not so sure- granddam is after a boomer, so maybe that's just her generation?

So? Scoundrel? Rogue?
