Type me
Since I want you to type me based on my test results, I will just elaborate:
Materialism vs Spiritualism I'm agnostic. I believe it is impossible to prove both the existence and non-existence of a god, and therefore I consider spiritualism a waste of time. One's primary concern should be their own life.
Egoism vs Altruism I'm a big fan of Ayn Rand, I think this says it all.
Idealism vs Pragmatism Unfortunately, my political ideology (libertarianism) is idealistic.
Hedonism vs Ascetisim Not much to say.
Nihilism vs Moralism I believe in one objective moral principle: "The only moral duty of a man is to pursue his own happiness [without disabling others to pursue their own happiness]." All other morality is an opinion, not a fact.
Rationalism vs Romanticism I don't understand this, I'd say I'm 90% rational.
Skepticism vs Absolutism I believe reality is objective (and therefore absolute), but I'm very skeptical towards authorities.
Since I want you to type me based on my test results, I will just elaborate:
Materialism vs Spiritualism I'm agnostic. I believe it is impossible to prove both the existence and non-existence of a god, and therefore I consider spiritualism a waste of time. One's primary concern should be their own life.
Egoism vs Altruism I'm a big fan of Ayn Rand, I think this says it all.
Idealism vs Pragmatism Unfortunately, my political ideology (libertarianism) is idealistic.
Hedonism vs Ascetisim Not much to say.
Nihilism vs Moralism I believe in one objective moral principle: "The only moral duty of a man is to pursue his own happiness [without disabling others to pursue their own happiness]." All other morality is an opinion, not a fact.
Rationalism vs Romanticism I don't understand this, I'd say I'm 90% rational.
Skepticism vs Absolutism I believe reality is objective (and therefore absolute), but I'm very skeptical towards authorities.