Re: Commentary on David

I think sooooo lowly of David, his behavior, and his inability to be an honest, upstanding man. Like truly disgusted by his entire display of insecure, wanna be alpha man persona.

However, I do think that this sub and MAFS fans in general have a tendency to comment on things about him that are bordering on harmful, racist rhetoric. Calling his hair "nasty" or making fun of the way he styles it, telling Madison that she needs to teach him "proper English", making fun of him saying "witchu", etc.

Talk about his behavior and bullshit all you want, but watch your mouth in the way you're speaking negatively about him. Don't let your disdain for him dip into harmful stereotypical insults and digs, because now you look just as gross in the process.

Edit: Sorry! When I made this post, I incorrectly assumed that most people on this sub would have the ability to think and consider critical race theory and it's affects on American culture and social standards/norms. Forgot where I was for a second, and that's on me.