Covert Bullying & Self Righteousness has gotten out of hand. Please read.

I didn’t want to drag on the negativity that’s been occurring in this subreddit, however I have zero tolerance for bullying. This isn’t about gacha, or gambling, or defending multi million dollar companies like Infold, this is about basic decency. So for a moment, I must kindly ask you to put your biases aside and hear me out.

Getting on here since the drop of the new birthday event has proven just how ugly it gets. Aside from the blatant hostility between F2P vs P2P, people trashing the mods, and just outright negativity I need to call out a very specific, malicious behavior that doesn’t get criticized often. Mainly because it’s subtle, but it’s manipulative and outright abhorrent. I’m doing my best to follow the rules to keep chats friendly, but I have no problem calling it out. I’m so tired of the self righteousness being promoted by certain individuals telling others on here that they have problems, accusing them of being addicts and saying that people here need therapy.

Especially when it’s coming from those who you can tell by looking through their posts, they are calling the kettle black. How dare ANYONE here pretend to be a therapist, pretending to care about others here and having THE GALL to post gambling help resources. Accusing someone of being an addict of any kind, unless it’s your loved one, friend or patient with you as a licensed professional, is absolutely vile and I am absolutely appalled by some of the comments I am seeing, along with certain posts. The constant projection, victimization and belligerence going on actually has me legitimately angry and I’m so sorry to anyone here being made to feel like a sick person for venting about A GAME on here. I will admit, yes I do get frustrated seeing the same old posts about gacha, and losing the 50/50, and how unfair the game is but when did it become okay to just start a post on this subreddit that basically says, “Some of you people are ADDICTS, you need help” .

For those of you who feel you don’t have a safe space to vent, just know this. Once you realize that some people are constantly projecting, you will learn to stop taking everything so personally. Rotten fruit will fall on its own. Please be careful with what you vent/post on. I’m not saying you should never vent, but believe me there will always be some vampiric, insecure individual ready to prey on your insecurities. Stay safe out there.