Solo Banner Guide: Number of Wishes You’ll Need to Get the Card + Refinements (+Chances of Getting 2 or 3 SSR Cards in a Single 10-Pull)

Summary: here’s the number of wishes you’d expect to need for a 90% chance of getting 1-4 copies of the limited card on the solo banner:

  • 1 copy (R0): 126 pulls for 90% chance, 131 pulls for 99% chance
  • 2 copies (R1): 204 pulls for 90% chance, 254 pulls for 99% chance
  • 3 copies (R2): 294 pulls for 90% chance, 354 pulls for 99% chance
  • 4 copies (R3): 378 pulls for 90% chance, 445 pulls for 99% chance

How the Banner Works

The wishing logic disclosed by Infold is as follows: from pulls 1-60, you have a 1% chance of getting a 5 star. After that, the probability of getting a 5 star increases by a nominal 10% until it reaches 100% at pull 70, so at pull 61 there’s an 11% chance of getting a 5 star; at 62 there’s a 21% chance, etc.

Your first 5 star is actually just a 50% chance of getting the limited card; if the card you get is not the limited card, then the next 5 star is guaranteed to be the limited card. Once you get a limited card, the guarantee is reset and your next 5 star is bac.k to being a 50% chance of being limited. Rinse and repeat.

More Numbers

I used R to run 10,000 simulations of pulling R3 on the banner. Here’s a table with the number of wishes needed for each refinement based on your chances of getting that many refinements:

†Ignore these grayed-out numbers, you won’t need this many pulls. For example, you have a 1 in 75,899,767 odds of actually needing 140 pulls to get R0.

So for example, if you did 138 pulls to get R1, then your luc.k is middle of the pac.k. If you did 254 pulls before you finally got R1, then good lord you’re unluc.kier than 99% of players (I’m so sorry).

Bonus Calcs: Chances of Getting At Least 2 or 3 SSR Cards in a Single 10-Pull

For the achievements. The consolidated probability of getting at least 2 SSR cards in a single 10-pull is 0.9%; the consolidated probability of getting at least 3 SSR cards is 0.02%. In other words, you can expect to get double SSRs in a 10-pull for every 1,113 pulls you do, and triple SSRs in a 10-pull for every 48,625 pulls you do. Which means the triple SSR achievement is unachievable for a lot of us, unfortunately.

FAQ: Does my pity carry over from [insert previous banner] and does the pity on this banner carry over to [insert next banner]?

There are currently 6 types of banners Infold will use (as of 2/26/2025):

  1. Limited solo banner
  2. Limited myth banner
  3. Limited multibanner
  4. Rerun banner
  5. Pulse Hunter banner
  6. Standard banner

The first 3 share pity; the latter 3 do not and only share pity within their own banner types. For example, if you made 27 wishes on a limited solo banner two months ago and did not get a 5 star, and you haven’t pulled on any of the three limited banner types since then, then you start with 27 pity on this banner. If you end on this banner with 32 pity and your last SSR card was a standard, then on the next limited banner you start with 32 pity and your next SSR card is guaranteed to be a limited card.

FAQ: What about if I want to pull on solo rerun banners?

They work just like limited solo banners, except they have a separate pity counter and you can use either the Deepspace Wish or Time Wish on the rerun banner. You can use the numbers in this guide to estimate how many pulls you'll need to get the limited card from the rerun solo banner. So for example, if there was both a limited solo banner and a rerun solo banner running at the same time and I wanted both cards, then for a 90% chance of getting both I'd need 2 x 126 pulls or 252 pulls.

Cheers, hope this is helpful! Other guides I've made for those interested: