How telling my friends about the game made me typing this as i cry myself to sleep
The game got to the newspaper where i am from and i casually told my friends that i love this game and was too excited to introduce it to them.
But they started joking around saying "only femcels play these games" I laughed it off and didn't feel like it was a big deal but the more i thought about it later today the deeper it hurts especially that one of them told them to stop joking about it because it must have been lonely to spend valentine's day alone (because i have) and now i don't know if she was defending me or actually making fun of me.
I'm upset and angry and feel like i should bring this up again tomorrow and tell them that it's not okay but i know they wouldn't understand and probably just pick on me even more, you guys are the only ones who would understand so i though i would let it off of my chest and hopefully i get some sleep because i have been tossing and turning for awhile now considering the possibility that they might be right?
Ps: no it's not highschool we are grown adults and it was a professional environment!