I'm loving arena, but...

Does anyone else feel like this iteration of arena is HORRIBLY unbalanced?

Like I get that Arena is a rotating game mode, and it's going to be impossible for each champion to be perfectly balanced, but given my recent attempt to get 1st place with every single champion, which mind you Riot has explicitly incentivised for players looking to challenge themselves in Arena, I've been feeling a little less enthusiastic about Arena than I should be.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying my time, and between guests of honour, the new augments, and the new map (even if the pillars do WAY too much damage), I really like this iteration of arena, but as someone who has played the hell out of arena every single time it has been out, this one is already standing out as the worst one balance wise.

Even though the older ones weren't exactly balanced, right now it feels like there are a dozen or so champions that are just so absurdly broken, while the weakest of the bunch don't even feel playable. Qiyana has always been one of my favourite Arena picks, more so than the actual rift, but right now according to u.gg she's sitting at a 6.8% winrate with a 37.1% top 4 rate. Meanwhile Ryze currently has a 23.9% winrate with a top 4 rate of 62%.

In an era where it's very easy to just blame Riot for anything and everything they do, I want to give credit where credit is due, and praise them for cooking up this amazing game mode, but damn some balance adjustments cannot come soon enough.

Edit: For the people saying Qiyana is hard to play, yeah no shit sherlock. But in no prior iteration of arena has she had a sub-40% winrate. Also you are correct that high-rolling is absolutely a thing, but compare champs like Skarner and Shyvana who need to high-roll out of their ass to even stand a chance while Ryze and Bel'Veth can consistently win even without highrolling. I'm not saying it's not a skill issue (it definitely is), but compared to prior arenas things are worse.