Is trueshot prodigy damage in Arena bugged and deals less damage than it says it does?

If we look at the numbers:

In theory it is supposed to deal a bit more damage than Ezreal's own R, because his R is 690 + 100% bAD +110% AP.

However in practice:

I don't understand why the damage is so little compared to Ezreal's own R. The only thing I can think of is that for some reason it did not crit with Jeweled gauntlet, but I had 100% Crit, and it is an ability, so there would be no reason for it not to crit, it even works with things that amplify ultimates.

I noticed it here properly and after this paid attention to when other champions take the augment, for example Zyra that constantly fires it when her plants touch someone, and I noticed that it deals very little damage on other champions too, without the whole crit aspects and such, just in general.

If we even consider the fact that it did not crit, Ezreal's Trueshot here dealt 1617 damage, while the Trueshot Prodigy dealt 492 damage, even if you multiply 492 by the crit which in this case is 140%+40%(From Infinity)+50%(Max from Divine) that is 190% which would be 492*1.90=934 still way lower than 1617 while having higher base damage AND higher scaling. Why is this?

I think that Trueshot prodigy either has a lower base than is shown in the tooltip or a lower actual scaling.