Hi ladies! Any GLP-1 users among us?

Hey all, I'm new in here -- just was prescribed a compounded GLP-1 through hers. I'm really hopeful this will be a game changer for me, since I've been prescribed every GLP-1 under the sun by my PCP/specialists before but have not been able to get insurance to approve the PA and cannot afford anything without insurance.

Curious if anyone has started to use the compounded GLP-1 through Hers, and if so, what was it like? How long did it take for your shipment to arrive? Not sure what to expect next in terms of timeline. I'm currently on Metformin, and I'm going off of it at the recommendation of the prescribing doctor before I start the GLP-1, but I don't want to stop taking it and then not have my shipment show up for a month.

Thanks in advance and best of luck to all of us -- we can do this. :)