Fancy we still like Becca better than we like you.
Fancy is clearly worried about those texts Kyen put out and no ones gonna let up on that. We still like Becca, we still think she has more talent and class in her pinky toe than Fancy does in her whole body.
Fancy we know is mad at morbid because he didn’t make the whole “non-vigUal vigUal” about her, throw her a parade and pass all the donations off to her so she could buy herself some “theengs” maybe treat herself to another kidnapping across state lines.
We also knows she’s mad at Becca because even when she and the “F Bri I” stayed up all night to dig up her past no one changed their mind about Becca and only saw Fancy as more pathetic and jealous.
Fancy is clearly worried about those texts Kyen put out and no ones gonna let up on that. We still like Becca, we still think she has more talent and class in her pinky toe than Fancy does in her whole body.
Fancy we know is mad at morbid because he didn’t make the whole “non-vigUal vigUal” about her, throw her a parade and pass all the donations off to her so she could buy herself some “theengs” maybe treat herself to another kidnapping across state lines.
We also knows she’s mad at Becca because even when she and the “F Bri I” stayed up all night to dig up her past no one changed their mind about Becca and only saw Fancy as more pathetic and jealous.