About Lord Bune and Stolas
So I'm a newbie at this sort of- I've done some research and found that Bune was the best to work with for my situation. Now for the past 2 weeks on a Friday I have reached out to bune, gave my offerings. And thus far I got more shifts at work (more money), and I've been seeing angel numbers (888, 777, 333,9999, 888, 444). But just last night I had an odd dream. I was walking along side this woman in a dark parking lot at a familiar mall. It was a dark woman who had a black puffer jacket on and she asked me if I needed any help (she seemed demonic because her eyes were glowing white). And I silly declined but we continued walking together but a car I drive my mom in pulled up and I got in and I remember waking up saying Stolas's name. So I'm kinda baffled at what this means? I do have a stone owl near my bed but it's not near my small alter for bune? 🤔