"Understanding ADHD" magazine
Hey, just thought I'd come and drop a recommendation of something I have just finished reading and it might come in handy for others that, like myself, get overwhelmed with the amount of information available online and sometimes don't even know where to start.
I happened to come across this special edition of "Live Well, Live Longer" magazine at work as I work for the publishing company, but it's in no-way a promo post. I found it to be a very comprehensive first-steps guide to all things ADHD in both children and adults, as well as ways to support them.
Since being diagnosed, I have researched a lot about everything related to being a ND, but this mag has actually highlighted a couple of things I have not even thought about and can now delve deeper into. There are articles, on masking, bullying, dating, friendships, work and more. Things I have not even considered to be a part of the condition were put in a way that was relatable and I was able to draw parallels with my own life. It also gave me some useful techniques to try in terms of emotional regulation.
To reiterate, definitely a more of a starting point that a deep-dive type of title, but it's presented in such an easy and visually appealing way (different colour themes for each article!), it might allow some folk to digest, sometimes, jading knowledge in a more interesting way.
Here's a link to the main website in the post as it has free delivery, but it might also be available at local stores.