I Overcame my Government Call Anxiety Today!
EDIT: I am honestly shocked at how many people don't know where to start with calling for themselves so maybe a guide will help. Regarding what to say, I use 5calls.org . You put in your zip code, and it gives you a list of all the people to call on an issue. They also have a regularly updated list of scripts for different topics, so you can just pick one based on the thing you're most worried about and read it off. If you call during office hours, this is what to expect:
The person you will be talking to is an employee under the politician whose entire job is to note/tally what people want the politician to do/not do. The entire reason they're taking your call is to literally just relay messages. When they pick up, they're expecting a political comment to pass on. In my case, the aide said hi, office of XYZ, and I very nicely said hi, my name, and that I'm a constituent from street address, and that I have a message for such and so rep. I then proceeded to read off the 5calls script exactly (NICELY, the aide is not the one stripping your rights away, and the nicer you are the smoother it goes, like any customer service experience), and at the end, asked if the aide needed anything else from me to legally count my comment (they throw it out if you aren't actually a constituent of that person). She needed my last name spelling and zip code, so I repeated them, she thanked me and said she would pass it on to the rep, and I thanked her for her time, and that was it. The whole thing was maybe 2 minutes. If they are doing their job correctly, they won't scold you, snap at you, or mock you. You can also ask them clarifying questions if you want, like what the process is when they take messages, or request that the politician respond via letter or email.
If you do NOT call during office hours, it will go straight to the answering machine. Assuming the office of the politician is doing their job correctly, someone listens to all the messages each day or week and notes a record of how many people called for/against different topics. IF YOU CALL AFTER HOURS, YOU WILL NEED TO INCLUDE ENOUGH INFORMATION FOR AN AIDE TO VERIFY YOU ACTUALLY LIVE IN THEIR JURISDICTION, AS WELL AS CONTACT INFO IF YOU WOULD LIKE A RESPONSE.
I wanted to share that I am very proud of myself today - I have been calling my reps very often for about a month or two now (Since week 2 of Trump, whenever that was lmao), but have pretty bad anxiety in situations that could get tense or confrontational. However, I live in a very red area, and have read comments on here and elsewhere that republican reps and senators aides may just be deleting messages without the content being noted and passed on. So I decided to take some deep breaths and called during office hours today. It went fine, and the aide was quite nice, overall it was a very positive experience! I want to keep trying to do this on weekdays I have off school, instead of mentally putting it off until their office closes. All the same, on days I don't have off I am still gonna keep calling after hours, just cause it helps me stay passionate instead of getting complacent.
Also, overcoming my fear is in not small part due to this group, seeing all of you getting fired up and doing all kinds of activism and organizing has been so inspiring, and I feel honored to have witnessed this groups formation and maturation into a nationwide movement! Keep up the good work! WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS SLOWLY BUT SURELY!!